Thursday, February 16, 2012

Today's Sunshine

I took Monster to the vet today. I found some lumps on his neck (gigantic, rock hard lymph nodes), and was hysterically terrified that he had cancer...

However, by today (found them day before yesterday) they were back to normal again. The vet couldn't check anything, since nothing was wrong anymore, but she could at least assure me that lymphoma doesn't come and go like this! I'm to take him back immediately if they swell up again, so they can run some tests, but maybe that will never happen!

Some may think today was a horrible waste of money (left the vet's with a paper saying the dog was perfectly healthy - in fact showed no signs of ever having been sick - and with a much slimmer bank account) but I don't care. Monster is fine, that's all I care about.

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