Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Today's Sunshine

There's some construction going on on the big road outside the village. I took Monster over there today and asked the guys working if it was OK if Monster and I spent some time hanging out nearby to work on him being comfortable and relaxed in a difficult environment. They were very friendly, and even wanted to pet Monster.

We spent a little less than an hour there today, standing by the side of the road, walking back and forth, and practicing eye contact. There were a lot of sounds and sights, big machines, big guys in weird clothes, noisy radios and the like. And Monster handled it like a champ! It was great! He was a bit excited at first, but after a few minutes he didn't even mind when I was talking with one of the guys, shouting to be heard over the noise. He'd sit, lie down, roll over, dig a little, sniff the wind, watch the cars and chew on sticks when not specifically asked to do something. Sure it might be better if he'd just lie down and go to sleep, but that's a bit much to ask right now. I thought it was great.

That's cause I am great. Bow down to my awesomeness!

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