Sunday, June 3, 2012

Today's Cloud

I'm bummed. I'm not even going to pretend this is about Monster, I'm just going to hijack the blog for a personal pity party.

Uh-huh, what else is new?

For some idiotic reason I put my reader in a far too shallow pocket and of course inevitably dropped it... Try reading from this:


Well, alright, you can read the top three lines. But it's not like that can get you through a book.

I've had my Iriver Story for... I don't even know, since they were new or something. Years, anyway. How am I going to get by without it!?

Oh god, how am I supposed to get by going home for a month without anything to read!?! This is a disaster.

(The HDs are on sale right now... I still can't afford one... Let's see how long it takes me to steal from the money set aside for bills to buy a new reader... I'm guessing not long...)

You know... You're kind of pathetic, Mom.

Oh, I know.

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