Monday, October 22, 2012

Today's Cloud

This is getting ridiculously repetitive, but it remains the big cloud in our sky: I'm sick. I am feeling better today, my head is a bit more in the game and I want to do stuff. But my body hasn't caught up yet, and trying to do anything challenging knocks me off my feet completely. Poor Monster, seriously!

Yeah, no joke.

Having a dog is responsibility. If you're too weak to exercise and train your dog appropriately you need to find someone else to do the job, right? A friend, a family member, a neighbor's kid, someone who can just walk the dog at least, while you get back on your feet... But with a dog like Monster that's just not possible. Taking Monster out is a far greater responsibility than I can ask anyone else to handle. So what do I do when I can't manage? Just let him suffer my cold along with me, that's what...

It's not fair, but I really don't see an option.

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