Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Yesterday's Sunshine

We spent 13 hours in the car yesterday, driving up north for Christmas. Hence, no new posts. But I'm not allowed (by me) to not post at least a sunshine and cloud each day, so they may be a day late but here they are.

(The purpose of the Sunshine/Cloud-posts is to make a note each day of success and failure, so I can go back and see progression. It's also to make me actually pay attention - if I've written about the dog barking at our neighbor three times, I'm going to notice it's been three times instead of possibly just shrugging it off and forgetting about it.)

So, yesterday's Sunshine:

Monster spent 13 hours in the car without protesting. We're traveling with our friend Dobie, and he cried and screamed the whole way (driving me crazy - I actually considered driving off the road and crashing the car just to get some peace and quiet!), but Monster just looked at him in confusion, sighed and went to sleep.

Monster was also very well behaved at the pit stops along the road. He did bark at one man, but only after Dobie (who guards the car, with conviction) had started barking and lunging for him (from inside his cage, making it look very strange...).

What!? I'm totally calm! CALM, I tell you!!!

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