Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Cloud

Monster has a problem with my father, and it's getting worse. Dad scared him when he was a puppy and has since done pretty much everything wrong (thinking he knows how to "handle" dogs), and finding Monster's tense behavior and warnings around him to be funny...

I can't get through to my father how much this is harming Monster, I can only try to work on Monster not caring so much about the large, dangerous man, but it's not going well. With children in the house Monster is no longer only worried when dad is close to himself or me, he also feels a need to protect the kids. They know Monster, and can listen when something is explained to them, so I'm not worried about them triggering Monster (by screaming for help when Grandpa is playing with them, for example), but the old man is going to get us all into trouble one of these days...

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