Friday, March 29, 2013

Qick Update

I'm really tired (and cranky), so this is just a quick post to keep you up to date. First of all: my leg's still broken. I know, what a shocker, right? It's starting to annoy me that it just keeps being broken! A lot of things are annoying me... Like how you sweat underneath a cast, and you can't wash. And oh my god, the itching! But most of all, I'm annoyed at how limited I am.

Also boring - did you mention boring yet?

Today has been a rough day - my sister took me grocery shopping yesterday, and that seems to have been a mistake. My leg has been protesting the exertion all night and all day... And it's been freezing cold, so I haven't managed more than about two hours sitting outside with Monster. He seems to be doing better today, though. He's no longer as insistent we're missing a deadline when I fail to get up for our walks in time. He's not happy, but the look of panic has receded from his eyes.

I'm just recharging for a more... effective freak out.

I would like to say I'm using the time well, doing lots of precision training with Monster, honing details and coming up with fun ways to expend some Monster energy. But at least for today, that would be a lie... I'm in pain and miserable, and today I'd say I've only accomplished the bare minimum.

Now I'm taking a painkiller and going to bed. Maybe my leg will have healed when I wake up!

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