Thursday, January 23, 2014


I've been informed that there may be a problem with leaving comments on this blog. Apparently for some (possibly all) you can leave all the comments you like, but I never get them... That's just great... I have no idea what's causing this or who it may or may not affect (browser specific? no clue), so I also have no idea what to do to fix it. For now I'll change to open commenting (from my current setting of approving all comments) and hope that does the trick. I have no plan B though, so I really hope plan A works.

Oh, and in other words this also means that if you've been leaving comments and I haven't published and answered them that's not because I'm an awful person (don't get me wrong, I am an awful person, it's just not manifesting specifically in ignored comments), it's because I never got them. And yes, I've checked the spam folder too. Now that I'm writing this I realize that maybe the zero spam comments I've been getting for quite a while now should have been a clue... Spam bots don't tend to get tired and go away...

Anyway, sorry. Hope this fixes it.

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Comments are moderated in order to weed out spam, pointlessness, and shocking behavior quite beyond the pale! They're not moderated to make me look good, though - you have my gracious permission to call me an idiot.