Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Today's Cloud

I won't be posting clouds for a while now. Because let's face it, it'd just be a long winded whine along the lines of "Oh, my leg hurts!" (which it does), "Oh, I'm bored and frustrated!" (which I am), "Oh, it's so unfair to Monster!" (which it is), "Oh, I'm desperate to get out of this cast!" (which I am), "Oh, I can't do x, y or z!" (which I can't), and of course "Oh my god, my leg really HUUUUUUURTS!" (which it does, we're talking leg on fire here people). I'm very good at finding things to complain about when things really aren't that bad, so giving me space to just focus on the negative seems like a bad idea right now. No doubt I'll manage to sneak a bit of complaining into other posts anyway...

*SIGH*     Count on it...

So let me just get it out of the way for a while:

My leg hurts!

What!? Really? I had no idea! I'd never have guessed from all the cursing you've been doing...

I want to do things, but I can't!

Wait, have you had a broken leg for years? Cause I remember you liking to sit down and read and watch TV quite a lot in the past... Poor Mom, having a busted leg for so long!

Healing is taking forever, how come my leg's not better yet!?

Yeah, it's been a whole week today, right? So it's time to get up and go!

I can't even - plus it's... Argh, I give up! There is no way to describe just how bad everything is!!!

I think her head just exploded... That should mean she's all whined out for a while. Fingers crossed...

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