Thursday, January 24, 2013

Today's Sunshine

Today Monster and I left the yard for a walk and were immediately faced with a man with a dog. They were about 20m away from us, and Monster didn't lunge or growl! He did tense up a bit, and he did tighten the leash. He also wasn't interested in treats. But he didn't show aggression (apart from tensing and staring), and when I walked on (diagonally from the others) and encouraged him to come with just a "this way" he followed right away. He did look back at the other dog - and the man, presumably - a couple of times, but he was fairly loose in his body and he sniffed the ground and generally didn't fixate. I say: awesome!

Awesome is a good word. It's not enough to describe me, but it's at least a decent start.

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