Thursday, March 21, 2013

Today's Sunshine

Monster and I met a man on a walk today, he was wearing a big hat and large coveralls and carrying two buckets. This is far too "abnormal" for Monster - quite frankly it's enough just that it's a strange man usually... And he did, as expected react.

If it was that expected, why are you yammering about it?

But the thing is, he didn't react badly until the we'd passed each other and were moving away from each other. When he first spotted the man he did fixate on him, he wouldn't pay any attention to me, and he started pulling on the leash. But his body language read more as curios than aggressive. Until he realized he wouldn't be allowed to greet once the man was moving away from us, when he did snap... But for us this is better than expected, so I'm going to be happy about it.

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