Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Today's Sunshine

Well, nothing much became of the snow storm - as yet there's barely a hint of white in the air. On the other hand, that means we're still plagued by flying dust (it gets in everywhere, even the glasses in the cupboards are gray). But at least the winds have dropped somewhat so it's possible to go outside without getting your skin peeled off! For a while at least...

Staying inside isn't so bad either, you know.

Aaaaaanyway. We've been having one of those confusing days today, where Monster will handle one strange dog with unexpected ease - even if the dog is very close, barking at us, turns up suddenly, or anything like that - but then freaks out in a situation he usually handles just fine. Why? Don't know. What does it mean? Don't know. What's the common denominator? Don't know. Don't know, don't know, don't know...

You don't? Well I'm not telling, so there.

 Frustrating. But hopeful in another way. Argh, don't mind me, the wind has driven me crazy...

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