Sunday, October 21, 2012

Today's Sunshine

This evening I played with Monster a bit. That may not sound like anything noteworthy, but I've been really struggling with this cold and Monster's been paying for it unfortunately. Us goofing around and wrestling for a couple of minutes tonight is a big change - even though I soon collapsed into a wheezing heap and had to crawl off to get my asthma meds.

Everyone who thinks Mom's a wimp, raise a paw!

If I can just manage to get a couple of hours of sleep tonight before waking up in a panic because I can't breathe, by tomorrow I should be back on my feet. No more coughing huddled under three blankets for me! I had big plans for Monster's training, starting the moment we got back home. Now they've all fizzled and it feels like I'm fighting a hopeless battle again. But that really does make me a wimp!

Well, if the blanket fits...

It doesn't really matter if we wound up losing time to some stupid cold (due to a punk ass immune system, which is about to get the performance review of its life), tomorrow is a new day and all that syrupy positive smarm. It really is, and it will contain some serious Monster training time.

Riiiiight... I'm keeping a blanket on stand by for you - just in case.

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