Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Today's Cloud

First, let me start with a disclaimer:

I like cats!

There, with that out of the way:

Oh my god, I hate cats!!! They're everywhere, and they're suicidal! There are hundreds of cats, just popping up all over the place! Please, please, cats of the world: go away!

What? No no, all cats must come here!

Yeah, that's why. Cats make everything so much harder. People are fairly accepting of a dog who hates cats (Monster doesn't really hate them, it's more like he obsessively fixates on them, but tomato - tomato to everyone else really), so some say I shouldn't worry about that part - it's a luxury problem, to be dealt with if and when his more serious issues are resolved. But, when Monster sees a cat his stress levels just skyrocket, meaning everything else in the world becomes a lot more difficult to deal with. He may see a dog 20 yards off and just look away these days (if he's having a particularly good day that is)... But if he's seen a cat first, then he's likely to go into full Monster mode for a dog at five times that distance!

What are you talking about? He had it coming...

I know, I know, cats have to live to. Sure. But do they have to run up to us and scream in Monster's face!??!!?

Oh, be nice. That cat just wanted to play. Next time maybe it'll get even closer...

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