Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today's Cloud

While the session today was very interesting (and I'm getting homework, which I love since it helps me structure our training better), toward the end it didn't go so well. For the first time in a very long time (once again I have no real idea how long it's been since this was an issue, sorry), Monster began aggressing vocally toward the trigger. He reared up, and growled and barked toward the staged person. When I pulled him away he turned on me and bit the treat pouch. It... wasn't great.

Oh, please! You people just can't take a joke!

I'm not sure if he really was showing aggression or if he was just very frustrated, though. He let it go as soon as he got away, which he could never do before. He didn't seem stressed. And the biting seemed more playful than anything, both in his choice of target ("This is mine, give it!"), and in that he sought eye contact with me as he bit. Plus, you know, nothing broke. If he really wanted to bite me, he would, and if he really wanted to take the treat pouch he'd just tear it off. He's got the physical power to do as he pleases.

Oh, you better believe it...

And not only that, but it didn't seem like the old warnings and marking of - for him - unacceptable behavior either. At worst, I'd say it was a challenge, and a rather playful one at that. But as for what he was directing toward the trigger, I'm not as sure...

So, while today's training session really was mostly positive, I will say that I'm a little disappointed by this behavior toward the end. Not only disappointed, but also confused. Which isn't great, but on the other hand it's a new challenge! It's all a matter of perspective.

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