Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Day, New Goal

In light of my great disappointment with my weak character (it's not like it's news, but I suppose that's all the more reason to do something about it), I think I'm going to try something new. I'll set up a goal each day, a kind of mini new year's resolution. Nothing big or impressive, just something small I'd probably do anyway. And it has to be concrete, no "I'll get better at x" or "I won't do y so much".

I'm hoping this will help me both make sure I get one specific thing done each day, and that the emphasis on this goal being reached (even though it's small and everyday) will act as a positive reinforcement on myself, making me better at... Well, everything ideally!

Wait seriously? I knew she was kind of dim, but...

Today's mini resolution: I will... stop three times while out on our midday walk and work on obedience with Monster. No less than five minutes for each break, no more than ten.

(To be clear, this is not all I do with my dog in a day, it's just highlighting one thing. If you're new with dogs, and you're looking around to see how much time you have to spend with them, this is not enough.)

Aaaaannnnd..... Mission accomplished! Good Monstermom!

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