Saturday, December 31, 2011

Excuses, Excuses...

Look at this shameful lack of discipline! I have managed no posts for several days, I now hang my head in shame!

If only I knew how to roll my eyes...
See, while we were on our Christmas holiday a storm blew by. Trees fell, roads were closed, old people laughed at the weak youth of today, that sort of thing. Internet connection at my parents' house is dicey at best, and after the storm cell phone service was nearly non-existent, while land lines were completely down (they were repaired today, apparently). So while we actually did have electricity (as opposed to a lot of other households and businesses, some of which still have no heat or light, so no whining), I gave up on newfangled stuff like the intarnetz. Spending an hour to get one page to load, only to watch cell service disappear again is not good for my blood pressure.

I stopped listening a long time ago...

And then yesterday, we spent all day in the car again, traveling back home. And today is New Year's Eve...

There, that's all the excuses I've got for you, weren't they great!? So, I'm a completely innocent victim of circumstances, and now that we've established that there's only one thing left:

No fizzy drinks for you, weirdo!
(I know a lot of dogs have a hard time right now, Monster and I are sorry about that. We can't really help you - fireworks don't bother Monster, but not thanks to anything I've done, we're just lucky - but we promise at least we won't send off any fireworks. Hold tight, eventually it will be over...)

  • And for the record, I'm for a complete ban on fireworks. They're dangerous, they're full of poison, they terrify animals, and it's perfectly possible to have fun without them - if not, you're doing something wrong! Not to mention, how did it become tradition to have drunks handle bombs?!

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