All right, good news! Monster is safe! I'm not quite sure I understand what that tumour-thingy was, but at least it wasn't malignant! Such a relief, I feel like that cliché weight has been lifted no matter how silly it may sound. At first I wanted to just pick up from a week ago, continue like we'd been returned completely to normal with the good news. But of course Monster still has a very sore foot - although thankfully I think I'm beginning to see the wound close a bit - and we still need to take it quite easy. Not to mention he also still has a sore mood...
Well, excu-use me! I can see the skin on the other side of my foot when I look inside the hole that dreadful man carved into me, pardon me if it chafes a little... |
Now it remains to be seen how well I can use this scare! There have been quite a few "if only"s, "I should have"s, and "if we could just"s going through my mind this past week, hopefully I'll be able to remember that and motivate myself with it - rather than forget about it and sink back into laziness and complacency. Even though it was good news today, it's important to remember that we don't have unlimited time together. I need to get on top of our problems so we can have a better quality of life together, and do it quickly so we don't lose any more time!
Hah, suuuuuure! My money's on laziness and complacency, in three, two, one... |
Hej! Är du inte sugen på ulvlek på buke igen? Det var kul när du var med!
Hej! Sorry att jag inte såg din kommentar förrän nu! Av någon anledning hade den blivit sorterad som spam...
DeleteJo, jag tänker emellanåt att det vore kul att spela igen, men jag har fastnat i något slags hata-internet-besatthet - mycket märkligt minst sagt. Jag orkar knappt läsa nyheterna, än mindre engagera mig i forum och ulvlekar - jag kan som du ser nästan inte hålla liv i min egen blogg... *skäms*
Men jag hoppas ni håller spelandet igång så jag kan hoppa in igen när jag hittat vad det är som gått sönder i mitt huvud, för ulvlek var jättekul och jag är genuint datorberoende i vanliga fall så: I'll be back. ;)