Yeah, I know: I haven't been posting anything for
ages! Let's see... I've had my head stuck up Tin Can's back side (one of the shock absorbers broke in half and fell off - that's not serious, right?), I'm back on the crutches on and off (my ankle joint can't quite manage to decide if it's going to stay in or just bloody permanently dislocate), and, err... a monkey stole my computer. There, that buys me an excuse, right? No? How about this then: I've got my real camera back again!!!!!!!!!
Awww, ffff... fridge! I thought I hid that so well you'd never find it again... |
And I found some photos on it from last summer I don't think I've shared with you! So what do you say, I show you those and in return you won't mention the whole blog neglect, "where have you been, you irresponsible whiner!?" type of thing, OK? Thought so, let's go!
Not everyone thinks Monster is scary, and he in turn loves kids - especially the teenage boy variety, they tend to agree about how to really play:
Oh, you were going to push me in the water, kid!? Heh, let's see who gets wet... |
We went on a lot of walks in the woods, here's one that took us almost a whole day:
The terrain was pretty rough... |
Up... |
And over... |
No match for me! |
He was off leash most of the time, he doesn't (or at least didn't then, not so sure now) bother the wildlife and he doesn't range far from me at all - however the terrain can make it difficult to keep him in sight anyway:
Where's Waldo Monster!? |
There he was! |
*bouncing over the tall grass* Coming, Mom! |
We discovered one thing that would drive Monster completely nuts: bogs! Back home you find these if you go up almost any mountain, they usually have a cold spring in the centre and while I sink to my knees (or more) in the peat, moss and black water and get so cold I quickly lose all feeling in my feet and legs, Monster
loooooooves them:
Ooooooh... Can I, Mom? |
Thanks! |
See ya! |
One more lap! |
Not done yet... |
Monster will just run and run, black water spraying up behind him. He'll keep at it for ages, occasionally collapsing on ground solid enough to keep his head above water (and muck...) to rest for a minute or two, and then off he goes again. It's awesome to see, and anyone who saw it couldn't help but burst into laughter - which admittedly weren't a lot of people, not too many bother to walk that far.
Well, that's all of the "new" photos... Actually, it's not but I can't find where I put the rest and I can't be bothered to look any more. I don't know why I've developed such a distaste for blogging (and answering correspondence - I'm sorry, my conscience
is working on me, I just more or less panic when I try to sit down with my mail...), but I'm going to try to get over it. We've had another session with Teach again too, and I'll try to write about that sooner or later. But for now this is the most I can manage: we're still here, we're still working on Monster's issues (with some tenuous success lately, I think), and Monster is still the most awesome - and handsome - dog in the world!
Get. That. Camera. Out! Of. My. Face! |
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