Thursday, November 15, 2012

Monster Vs The Bike

I haven't managed to make any daily Sunshine/Cloud posts lately, since whatever I try to write about winds up a 30 page essay on whether or not it means something in regards to the pain meds - he did this, it must mean that, only no, actually, it must mean the complete opposite, except now that I think about it it's got no meaning whatsoever, only... It gets quite repetitive, dull and circular so the backspace button's been getting quite a bit of exercise!

But I got a new (well... sort of new) camera the other day, and I thought I'd delight you all with a horrible attempt at a Monster video - made even worse by my bungling of the editing. This is Monster encountering a bike on our walk, and a view of what he looks like when he's being a good boy. Enjoy!


  1. Häftigt(?) att se, min hund ser precis likadan ut (men hans triggers är ju främst andra hundar).

    1. Nähä!? Absolut häftigt! Finns det bilder på skönheten någonstans? Jag vill genast se!

      Monsters trigger var hundar från början, men det har sakta men säkert spritt sig till "allt"...

    2. Nä, nu ljuger jag ju :( Hans kroppsspråk ser precis likadant ut!

    3. Ahaaaaa... OK, då fattar jag!

      Han är säkert (ganska) snygg ändå! ;-)


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