Monday, June 4, 2012

Today's Sunshine

This evening a neighbor approached us while I was out with Monster, wanting to talk about the work being done on the house.

He's a big, scary guy (from Monster's perspective) and he does pretty much everything wrong in terms of dog language, he bends over Monster, touching him from above, staring at him and talking directly to him. Monster did start to react a little badly a couple of times (like when the neighbor pretended to hit Monster in the head with the mail he was holding, for "fun"), but it never went beyond a few attempted piranha attacks and some short barking. I have no explanation for this, since it rightly should have been a disaster, but it was amazing!

How stupid do you think I am? Did you expect me to try lunge at the chairman of the village council? The one who hates dogs?

Well... In all honesty, yes I did. You're a lot smarter than me, Monster.

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