Monster and I did some impromptu hide and go seek on our walk today. Working on the long line (~50 feet) I'd duck behind bushes and rocks whenever I got the chance, and he'd come bouncing around to find me. It's a simple game, and one I expect most of you play with your dogs, but for us it's been a bit tricky before. Either Monster is fixated entirely on something, and won't register that I'm missing (and I can't stay hidden forever, since anything could turn up on the path when I'm not looking and trigger Monster), or he's got half an eye on me at all time and hiding isn't possible. But today he was calm enough to explore a little without me, giving me opportunities to "disappear", while also alert enough to notice I was missing.
Found ya! |
It was fun, and I think it was good for us too. I'm most likely reading far too much into it, it's just one walk after all, but I
think it might mean that he's feeling a little more confident. He doesn't need me so badly he has to keep track of my every move, and he isn't so suspicious of the world he'll freak out and fixate entirely on anything. Right?
Well, it's at least good enough to be happy about for one day.
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