Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today's Cloud

I'm getting frustrated with our training. I don't know if it's the weather or what (finally freezing, hooray no more mud!), but we're having trouble actually finding dogs to train against. I'm not sure how long it's been since we even saw another dog while out walking.

And because I've said it, now we'll stumble onto a dozen of them unexpectedly tomorrow, completely surrounding us, won't we...?

Don't worry, Mom, I can take them!

It sounds like a weird thing to complain about when you've got a dog who has problems meeting other dogs. But this unplanned way of training really isn't in my nature. I like to make schedules and plan ahead, and we need to meet other dogs - at a suitable distance, too - in order to get anywhere, and just wandering around outside hoping to come across one is getting annoying! Every time we come back home after not meeting a single dog feels like a waste. Not to mention when we meet one unprepared, like just as we're leaving the house! That's not just a waste, it's a step backwards (since it becomes a surprise, and too close, and so on).

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


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