You. Suck. |
I told you, I already
know! Alright?
*hmph* |
So... I honestly though I'd gotten back on track with the blog, but as stubborn evidence shows that was not the case... I swear I'm trying but it's just such a weird uphill battle! Yeah, I know, I'm whining again. I don't know what to say beyond: I'll keep trying. I got a smartphone for Christmas (yes, I've been
veeeeery far behind the times...) and that thing is quickly becoming invaluable - I've started to schedule everything
(everything) and once I've worked out an effective everyday schedule I'll input "blog!" as well. I tend to obey external orders better than internal ones, so I expect if the phone tells me to sit down and write I'll actually do it. Hopefully.
I hate that thing - it keeps binging, beeping, buzzing and plonging- So annoying! But I will say my food seems to be served on time lately... |
Anyway, on to Monster! Well... Not much in the way on news, honestly. Some times he'll handle a trigger like there's no problem at all, other times he turns into, well, a monster. The ups are great, the downs are depressing, and the huge variation is confusing and frustrating... But we'll get there! Right?
What? Get where? |
I'm trying to get more organized with our training, which again the new phone is proving ridiculously helpful with - I still don't like
phones, but clearly I have a place in my life for very small computers. I'm also thinking about trying weight pull/drag weight, but unfortunately Monster is still too difficult to be welcome at the local club so if I want to start that we're on our own... I'll read some more about it and look into equipment and then we'll see I guess. I just think Monster would benefit from more physical exercise, both mentally and physically...
Hey! What are you implying?! |
I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that you're too skinny and what muscles you have are 80% in your front half... It's way past time-to-do-something o'clock. I also suffer near daily freakouts over your hips, clear x-rays be damned, so we need more muscles on you for
my peace of mind too.
In other news... Yeah, still not much. Tilly spends a lot of time with us still, and they work well together now. Hopefully we'll get to start regular reactivity/social insecurity training with Teach again soon (that's been on ice for quite a while now unfortunately). We haven't been up north to my family over the holidays this year - wait, this
past year I mean (it'll take me about ten months to get used to this again, and then for some reason it all starts over again quite soon after that...) - but I guess we'll need to go up soon(ish). Provided we can find something to drive, since Tin Can doesn't have many miles left in him... Anything else... Hmm... No, can't really think of anything, sorry. Hopefully (see, at least I've learned not to promise anything...) I'll be back tomorrow with a more day-specific update. And if you have a futurephone too, like awesomely futuristic me, you can take a look at Monster on (in? what's the correct terminology for apps? and why are they "apps" rather than just software programs?!) Instagram. User "monsterinmyhome" of course. (The first posts aren't in English - the very first post is an entry in a competition (for a
car, fingers
very crossed!) so it's weird, staged and makes no sense whatsoever out of context (it's a Saint Bernhard pun) - but lately I've tapped my way around the tiny, tiny keypad to make them bilingual. Since the point is the photos anyway I don't suppose it matters much, but anyway...) It's not the futurest of futurephones, nor the smartest of smartphones, so the camera on it kind of sucks - on the other hand the photographer has no skill whatsoever, so it probably evens out or something! And since the weird computer aversion doesn't seem to extend to tiny pocket computers you can also apparently use to phone people with I don't get a pathetic panic attack when I try to post something. Yet, at least... So, I'll hopefully see you here, but if not you can still get a small Monster fix on (in? at?) Instagram.
Plus the photos there aren't three years old... |
will be back tomorrow though! Surely...